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Understanding bariatric surgery in tunisia: all you need to know about

Bariatric surgery can be an effective solution for weight loss, but it is important to understand the risks and benefits. This guide gives you all the information you need.


Bariatric surgery is an option for people who are severely overweight and have difficulty losing weight by traditional means. However, it is important to understand the risks and benefits of this procedure before making a decision. This guide will give you all the information you need to make an informed decision.


Bariatric surgery is a surgical procedure that aims to reduce the size of the stomach, thereby reducing the amount of food the patient can eat. There are several types of bariatric surgery, including sleeve gastrectomy, gastric bypass and adjustable gastric banding. It is generally reserved for people who are severely obese, with a body mass index (BMI) over 40, or a BMI over 35 with obesity-related health problems.


There are several types of bariatric surgery, each with its own benefits and risks.

Sleeve gastrectomy involves removing a large part of the stomach, leaving a small sleeve-shaped tube. Sleeve gastrectomy is also known as ‘sleeve resection’ or ‘vertical banded gastroplasty’. In this type of bariatric surgery, the surgeon removes about two-thirds of the stomach and turns the remaining part into a tube.

This creates a smaller pouch that holds less food than before the operation. After VSG surgery, you will be able to eat smaller portions and feel fuller sooner than before. You’ll also use fewer calories because you won’t be able to eat as much food at once or store it as fat in your body. Sleeve gastrectomy is recommended for people with morbid obesity (body mass index (BMI) of 40 or more) and obesity-related health problems such as diabetes, high blood pressure, sleep apnoea or high cholesterol.

Gastric bypass involves creating a small stomach pouch which is then connected directly to the small intestine, bypassing most of the stomach and small intestine. Gastric bypass surgery can help you lose weight and may be an option if other methods, such as diet and exercise, have not worked for you.

The surgeon makes a small incision near your belly button to create a pouch in your stomach. This pouch allows food to bypass part of the small intestine, so the body absorbs less food. The pouch cannot hold as much food as the original stomach, so you feel full sooner and eat less. This leads to significant weight loss over time, usually around 50% in the first two years after the operation.

Adjustable gastric banding involves placing a band around the stomach to create a small pouch that fills quickly, reducing the amount of food the patient can eat. The procedure is reversible and has been performed on more than 100,000 people worldwide since it was approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in 2001.

Adjustable gastric banding is considered minimally invasive surgery because it does not require an incision in the muscle tissue and only small incisions are made through which instruments are passed during the operation. The procedure also requires a shorter recovery time than other weight loss surgeries such as gastric bypass.

It is important to discuss which type of bariatric surgery is best for you with your doctor.

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Bariatric surgery can offer many benefits, including significant weight loss, improved general health, reduced risk of obesity-related diseases and improved quality of life. However, there are also risks associated with bariatric surgery, such as surgical complications, nutritional deficiencies, digestive problems and emotional changes. It is important to discuss these risks with your doctor and make an informed decision about bariatric surgery.


It is important to prepare yourself mentally and physically before bariatric surgery. Your doctor will give you specific instructions on how to prepare, but this may include dietary changes, increased exercise, stopping smoking and taking vitamins and supplements. It is also important to discuss your expectations and concerns with your doctor to ensure that bariatric surgery is the right decision for you.


Recovery from bariatric surgery can take several weeks or even months. During this time, it is important to follow your doctor’s instructions about diet, exercise and post-operative care. You will also need to take medicines to prevent infection and reduce pain. It is important to keep follow-up appointments with your doctor to monitor your progress and ensure that you are recovering properly.

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Biliopancreatic diversion (BPD), or duodenal switch, is a weight-loss surgery in which most of the stomach is removed and digestion restarts in a small part of the intestine. Most people who need to lose weight are advised to follow a diet, but for those who are unable to do so, or who have not lost the weight they want after dieting, BPD or duodenal switch may be considered. Both procedures reduce the size of the stomach and change the way food moves through the digestive tract.

Although BPD and duodenal replacement are similar, there are some notable differences. BPD is more invasive than duodenal replacement because the surgeon has to remove part of an organ, namely part of the stomach. Duodenal reversal does not involve the removal of an organ, but changes the way food moves through the digestive tract using staples that remain permanently in place. This is done by moving parts of the stomach and small intestine so that food bypasses most of them. The remaining small intestine is then connected directly to the last part of the large intestine, called the ileum. The duodenum is modified using staples, which are often left in place permanently.

The reversibility of bariatric surgery depends on the type of surgery. Some procedures, such as adjustable gastric banding, are reversible, while others, such as gastric bypass, are generally not.

Weight loss after bariatric surgery depends on following your doctor’s recommendations and making lifestyle changes. Although the surgery can result in significant weight loss, it is important to maintain a healthy lifestyle for lasting results.

Bariatric surgery is generally recommended for people who are morbidly obese (body mass index or BMI over 40) or severely obese (BMI over 35) with serious co-morbidities such as type 2 diabetes, sleep apnoea or heart problems.

After bariatric surgery, patients need to follow a special diet, exercise regularly, take nutritional supplements, and have ongoing medical monitoring to maximise results and minimise risks.

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