How do you prepare for your discharge from our hospital? This guide is for you!
Below you will find all the information you need to know about leaving the Mediterranean Clinic after your stay with us.
Your discharge plan is drawn up as soon as you arrive and is reviewed throughout your stay. This allows us to anticipate any delays caused by administrative procedures and to organise follow-up care if necessary. When you arrive, we will ask you about your current situation and your needs, including those of your family if you have one, in order to facilitate your return to everyday life.

Your discharge date will be agreed with your doctor. When you leave, remember to collect all your personal belongings and the documents you brought with you to the hospital.
Before you are discharged, your doctor and the nursing and administrative team will give you a number of documents that you should make sure you have with you when you leave:
- A discharge summary
- A prescription for any medication (if required)
- A follow-up appointment (if required)
To help you prepare for your discharge as efficiently as possible, our administrative and financial department will take charge of the entire process, helping you to choose the best way to pay your bills and update your administrative files (insurance, reimbursements, agreements, etc.).
If you decide to leave our clinic without the doctor’s authorisation, without informing the professionals on duty and without paying the costs of your hospitalisation, you will be personally liable for any complications arising from your state of health. You will also be pursued by our clinic’s debt collection department.
In this situation, after being informed of the risks involved, you will be asked to sign a certificate releasing our clinic from any responsibility for any complications arising from your state of health.
Our teams are available to answer any questions, comments, complaints or requests for clarification. Our contact centre is available 7/7 days from 8am to 6pm.
Call centre phone: +216 70 246 001
The clinic phone: +216 70 246 000
WhatsApp : +216 98 747 094